Dynasties of India and their Founders - GENERAL KNOWLEDGE>>PDF


Dynasties of India and their Founders - GENERAL KNOWLEDGE>>PDF

🔸 Khilji Dynasty ( Northern India)- Jalal-ud-din Khilji

🔸 Tughlaq Dynasty ( Northern India) - Ghias-ud-din Tughlaq

🔸 Lodhi Dynasty ( Northern India) - Bahlol Lodhi

🔸 Mughal Dynasty ( large part of Indian Subcontinent)- Babur

🔸 Haryanka Dynasty ( Magadha) - Bimbisara

🔸 Nanda Dynasty ( Magadha) - Mahapadmananda

🔸 Chola Dynasty, Adi ( Cholamandalama) - Karikala

🔸 Gupta Dynasty ( Magadha) - Srigupta

🔸 Chalukya Badami Dynasty ( Badami) - Pulkeshin I

🔸 Pallava Dynasty ( Kanchi)- Singha Vishnu

🔸 Chalukya Vengi Dynasty ( Vengi) - Vishnu Vardhana

🔸 Rashtrakuta Dynasty ( Maharashtra)- DantiDurga

🔸 Pala Dynasty ( Bengal) - Gopala

🔸 Chola Dynasty ( Tamil Region) - Vijayalaya

🔸 Slave Dynasty ( Northern India)- Qutubudin Aibak

🔸 Mauryan Dynasty ( Magadha) - Chandragupta Maurya

🔸 Sunga Dynasty ( Magadha) - Pushyamitra Sunga

🔸 Kanva Dynasty ( Magadha) - Vasudeva

🔸 Satavahana Dynasty ( Maharashtra) - Simuka

🔸 Kushan Dynasty ( West-Northern India) - Kadphises

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